Wednesday, February 20, 2013

He's Here!

We are so proud to introduce you to our son...Braxton Wade.  He surprised us all by being 18 days early!  My water broke early Monday morning, February 11th, around 1:30 a.m.  I don't think Wade really believed me that it was happening.  We got to the hospital around 2 a.m.  They had me walk around a bit.  In the morning, the doctor prescribed medicine to get my contractions started.  I was on that medicine all day long.  I was very slow to dilate.  Then, on Tuesday, they started an iv drip of Pitocin.  I was on that medicine all day long.  They were sure he would be born that day, but he had other plans.  :)  After being dilated to a seven and not progressing, they decided to do a c-section early Wednesday morning.  The worst part about the c-section was not being able to hold and spend time with Brax until the next day.

Braxton Wade was born on February 13, 2013 at 1:10 a.m.  He weighed 6 pounds and measured 18.5 inches long.  Here I thought I would have a big baby since my husband was over 10 pounds when he was born.  However, Brax is pretty tiny.  His newborn clothes are even a little big for him.

We just love him to pieces!  He eats well and even passed his birth weight at day 5.  He does have a large hole in his heart that will have to be repaired with surgery when he is a little bigger around 4-6 months old.  However, it is a very successful common surgery which will fix the problem and not cause any effects on his life.  The doctor says he can still be an Olympic athlete.  :)

Here is a picture Wade took shortly after birth.

Here we are on Valentine's Day.

With Daddy in his Valentine's Day outfit- thanks Grandma!

Coming home from the hospital!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Diapers and Beer

My friend, Joanna, was nice enough to throw us a shower.  It was for guys and girls so many of my friends and Wade's friends were in attendance.  It was great to see so many of our friends.  We kept it simple and just met at a bar and asked everyone to bring a pack of diapers.

Costco Cake...Yum!

Jen and Sasha

David and Laura

Bill, John, and Matt

Nate and Joanna (the hostess)

The Happy Couple- gotta love pregnancy edema in the face :)

Dan and Melanie

Theresa and Me

All the diapers!

The Nursery

I can't believe I didn't post in January.  I think I was too busy deep cleaning the entire house, but everything is pretty much ready to go!  Now, I can sit back and relax a little bit this month before he arrives.  Here is the nursery.  Hope he likes sports as much as we do.  :)