Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Some More Walkin'

Here's a little bit better video of Brax walking.  He doesn't like when his walker get stucks on something.  We need to give him some steering lessons.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A New Appliance

Well, today, Brax was pretty interested in the dryer door.  I hope the dishwasher's feelings aren't too hurt.

The Mall

We went to the mall so I could spend my Gymbucks.  Wade and Brax played in the play area while I shopped.  Worked out pretty nice!

Friday, January 24, 2014


Here's a video of swinging at the park.  Remember to go to the blog site to view it.  :)

Park #3

It was so nice today that Brax had his friend Rainer over, and then, they went to the park.  Brax fell asleep on the way home he was so worn out.

Monkey Man

I got a banana for myself as a snack, but Brax was pretty interested in it.  He ate most of the banana the grown-up way.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

11 Months

January 13, 2014

How is it possible that you will be a year old next month?!

You love to crawl around.  You are pretty much crawling off of your stomach all the time.

You love to stand up.  We have to be right by you since you aren't very stable, yet.

You will walk along objects while you are standing up.

You can crawl up stairs.

You like to put your lips together to make the brrrrrrr sound.  Also, you like to make a growling sound.

You are still a good sleeper.

You give kisses.  One day, you just crawled up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek out of the blue.  It melted my heart!

You are learning to use a sippy cup.

You like to feed yourself.  You bat away the spoon when you really want to feed yourself.  You are still a good eater.  You are eating a lot more finger foods.

We celebrated your first Christmas in Nebraska.  You had three different Christmas's.  You are a loved little boy.

We celebrated your first New Year's Eve by going to dinner with the neighbors.  On New Year's Day, we watched the Husker game with the Van Long's.  They won!

You like to play with balls.  You make baskets in your little basketball hoop.  You can kick balls, too.

You like to find the doorstops and play with them.  You also love to open and shut doors and drawers.  You are not a fan of the locks we put on everything in the kitchen.

You like to stand on your head with your feet on the ground.

You really like to play peek a boo.  You will put your little blanket over your face and think it's funny to put it on my face, too.

You got another tooth on the bottom.  You have seven teeth now.  The bottom tooth seemed to bother you more than your top teeth.  You didn't eat much food for a few days and had a hard time going to sleep at night.

You babble a lot.

You love to read books especially flap books.

You like to watch BabyFirst tv.

We love to make you laugh.  It is the best sound in the world!

The Scary Strange Mice

Brax likes to watch a little t.v. before he goes to bed.  The mice show just happens to be on right before his bedtime.  I am not sure who created these mice, but Wade and I are not fans.  Meet Tizzy, Tog, and Toot.  Yes, those are their names for real.

Tomatoes? Yes, Please!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Assisted Walking

Here's another video of some walking.


Here is a video of Brax clapping.  He thinks it is so fun!  If you get email notifications of the blog, you have to actually go to the blog site to view the video.

The Dishwasher Again

Brax loves to play with the dishwasher!  Anytime, I open it, he comes barreling towards it.  It does make loading and unloading the dishwasher easy since it keeps him so occupied.  When I told Wade we should get him a dishwasher, he said he can just keep playing with the real one.

Bath Time

I do enjoy my Parents magazine.  Not only because of the monthly Gymboree coupons, but they do have some good tips.  Here is a tip that has worked out well for us at bath time.

The Parks

On Tuesday, our nanny took Brax for a play date with his friend Rainer.  They went to the park.  Then, they went over to Rainer's house for lunch.  Then, today, she took him to another park for some play time.  Looks pretty fun!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Dishwasher Part 2

Well, Brax figured out there is a top rack to the dishwasher.  He was reaching up for the top rack, and I looked over, and he had stepped up onto the dishwasher.  Don't worry- I was right there to catch him if he fell.  No need to report me, Mom!

My First Bike

Play Date

Our nanny has a friend who has a son that is a month younger than Brax even though he looks like he is six months older!  Rainer came over to have a play date with Brax.  Brax gave him a kiss.  Too sweet!  At lunch, Brax watched Rainer eat.  He can really eat!  Then, Brax ate his whole lunch.  I said we need to hire him as an eating trainer.  They had fun playing together and plan on having weekly play dates from now on.


Brax has a little tractor.  When you push the button on the side, you hear, "La, la, la, la, la, la, la," before it plays one of its 27 songs.  Wade was singing the intro with him, and Brax would try to mimic the song.  He would even push the button and sing along by himself.  I didn't realize Wade had such a nice singing voice!  Check out the video!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

BabyFirst TV

Well, I think we can officially count BabyFirst television as Brax's first addiction.  He is so mesmerized by the shows.  He will just stare at the t.v.  It is nice to have it playing when I have to change his diaper so he is still.  Also, it is nice when he is sick or really upset since it calms him down.  We don't play it very often.  It is not the most enjoyable show for adults to watch.  Meet some of our favorite characters:

Vocabularry          Loop    
Blossom               Tillie
Peekaboo              Eve
This is actually a snapshot of the Babyfirst phone app.  Brax can be on this app and call and text his favorite characters.  However, he seems to prefer to swipe through my home screen rather than play with his app.

My favorite character is the Rainbow Horse.  I think this has to do with loving Rainbow Brite so much growing up.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Conquered Fears

Well, after Wade and I both rode the horse and acted like it was the best thing in the world while clapping and singing "Giddyup," Brax finally likes his horse.  Now, if he was just a little taller so Wade wouldn't have to put his feet under his so he can bounce.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Bite

Brax has been so nice and good about giving kisses.  Sometimes, he will crawl up to me and give me kisses out of the blue.  Anytime I ask him to give a kiss, he will give me a kiss.  Tonight, I asked him to give me a kiss.  He did.  Then, he came towards my face again so I thought he was being extra sweet and giving me another kiss.  I was very unprepared for the bite on my cheek!

I Do Not Like

Brax has never shown any fear towards anything until this...

When we first got it, I put Brax on it, and he wanted off right away.  Then, I tried to make the horse kiss him, and Brax turned and wanted to be in my arms.  Anytime we show Brax the horse, he immediately turns away from it.  We will see if he warms up to it anytime soon.  Sorry, horsey!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Eating by Hand

Brax really prefers to feed himself these days.  At dinner, he just kept batting away the spoon so I dumped all the food on his tray, and he just shoveled it in his mouth.  It became a mixture of turkey, cherries, and sweet potato.  I just wish he knew some foods are much easier to eat by spoon!