Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Spoon

We are working on learning how to use a spoon.  Brax will feed himself with a spoon, but needs help getting the food on the spoon.  Here he is at dinner with some cottage cheese.  Of course, the spoon ends up on the floor when he is "all done" with it.


Check out the video of Brax showing us his nose!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I ♥ Summer!

I absolutely love summer and warm weather and wearing dresses and sandals.  Since I love wearing dresses so much, I have a problem buying them, but since we are lucky enough to have two beach vacations this year, a new dress and sandals were a must!

Monday, March 24, 2014


Brax might not be walking, yet, but he is sure talking!  Here are his words so far:

oh, wow
uh, oh
moo (twice)
peek a boo (twice)
car (once)
bye bye
all done
baba (bottle)

I hope I didn't forget any.  It is so fun listening to Brax express himself with words.  He understands so many commands, too.  Now, we just have to work on the walking.  I did move the furniture further apart tonight.  We will see if that helps at all.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Brax kept going to his book basket and getting a book.  Then, he would bring it to me and smile so big when I would set him in my lap to read the book.  He did this eight times and who knows how long it would have endured, but I needed to move onto another activity!  So glad he loves to read!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Friday Night Dinner at Applebee's

Brax really enjoys cheese pizza!

Little Monkey Business

Our nanny took Brax to the play place by our house.  It's only $5 a time for crawlers, and adults are free.  Not a bad deal!

The Children's Museum

We used some of Brax's birthday money to buy a children's museum pass for the year.  The nanny took Brax twice this week.  He had a lot of fun!  I am hoping to take him tomorrow morning.


We are feeding our neighbor's cat while they are out of town.  The first time I went over to their house, Brax chased Edgar all over.  Edgar was not quite the fan and retreated to the windowsill after about 10 minutes.


Our nanny brought Abe to work with her for the day on Friday.  Brax had quite a fun time with an older boy!