Sunday, October 19, 2014

School Pictures

Here are Brax's first school pictures.  They turned out pretty cute.  I just wish someone would have combed his hair!

Fall Photos

We took some photos in Brax's "B" jacket today.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Counting to 10!

While Brax was stacking blocks this morning, he counted to ten all by himself!  I was so surprised.  Wade only practices counting to three with him, and I had only practiced counting to five.  I'm not sure what they do at school, but his preschool tv show counts to ten.  All day, he kept counting to ten.  Check out the video (ignore the leftover cottage cheese on his face):

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

I Love Football

So I made up a song for Brax to help with letters and sounds.  It goes along to the song, Freres Jacques.  One example:

I love football
I love football
Yes, I do
Yes, I do
F is for football
ffff, ffff, ffff
ffff, ffff, ffff

Brax shouts out what word he wants next in the song.  He likes football, basketball, volleyball, snack, names of people, and other random words.  Here is a video of him singing our song.  He was stuck on the first part of the song.

Fall Fun

It is getting cooler at night.  We have to put on our jacket after dinner usually especially since the sun is setting sooner and sooner.  We might have to start playing outside right when we get home instead of after dinner.

October 11

There is a lot that happens on October 11.  It is the first day Wade and I met six years ago at a mutual good friend's birthday party.  That friend turned 40 this year.  We attended a wedding on October 11 this year.  Another friend couple that attended the wedding was married on that day six years ago.  Good friends of ours had their son on October 11 last year.  We think of it as a pretty lucky day!  Our friends agreed that we should just have a big party on that day every year.  Here are a few pictures from that day.  None are very good, but it's documentation of the day.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Pants Problem

Poor Brax hasn't been wearing pants that fit very well lately, no thanks to his parents!  One day, I left out a pair of pants from last year.  Wade didn't notice they were too short, and he had to wear high waters all day.  He looks quite upset in the picture.  Then, today, I didn't leave out an outfit, and Wade put him in a size 2T pants that I bought on clearance for next year.  At least his shoes probably helped the pants from dragging on the floor at school unlike the photo below after I had taken his shoes off.

Brax's Class

I am amazed that Brax's teacher got his entire class to sit still for a photo!  She said she was wearing a bird on her head to help.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Oreo Addiction

Even Brax knows he is addicted- check out his answer in the video:

Mom's Birthday

My mom and dad came out to visit for about a week.  Brax loved all the attention from Grandpa and Grandma.  We celebrated my mom's birthday on Friday.  We went to lunch, did a little shopping, went out to dinner, and visited the Botanical Garden's Chihuly exhibit.  It was the first illuminated night show of the glass.  It was pretty cool!