Friday, November 28, 2014

The Park

Well, Brax and I went for a walk to the park.  We enjoyed watching the geese along the way.  When we got to the park, he saw four adults playing a two on two game of basketball.  He really wanted to join them and shoot hoops.  After I distracted him, he had to walk to the sand volleyball courts to see if anyone was playing volleyball.  Then, he saw two kids kicking a soccer ball so he watched them and kicked his basketball a few times.  Well, while kicking, he noticed the basketball court was empty so he went straight there, and that's all we did for the rest of the time at the park.  He never gave up despite the height of the hoop.  Who cares about sliding and swinging!


We stayed in town for Thanksgiving this year.  Even though we really missed being with family, we enjoyed Thanksgiving at my friend's house in Castle Rock.  Stephanie prepared a delicious meal.  Unfortunately, Wade got sick, but Brax had a good time playing with Alayna and Jace.  He didn't enjoy their big black lab as much.


The tree is up, the elf made his debut, and Brax is ready for Santa!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Fun in the Snow?

Well, it snowed last week so we ventured out in the snow on Sunday when it warmed up a bit.  Brax was not a fan of the snow.  It was hard for him to walk in, and the basketball court had a thin layer of ice under the snow so I couldn't scoop it enough to draw with chalk or have an open space for shooting hoops.  He didn't want to wear his gloves, and he didn't like when he fell and his hands got cold.  I did get a video that's posted beneath the pictures.  I am glad it's suppose to be at least nice on Saturday so we can play outside.  We are tired of the cold and it getting dark so early.  We miss playing outside!

Petting Farm

A few weekends ago we went to a petting farm.  Brax wasn't too interested in the animals and called the goat a big doggie.  We saw some ducks in a pond, too.  Also, Brax got his first experience at seeing animals mate.  I didn't include any pictures of that one.  We walked through the gift shop, and they had some balls so after we would see something outside, he would walk back to the gift shop door.  He was pretty upset that we only got a basketball and not the soccer ball, too.


Brax really likes stickers, and his favorite stickers are ball stickers.  We ran out of ball stickers, and Brax asked Grandma for some when we were facetiming.  Look what we got in the mail!  He loves sticking them on his shirt and pajamas.  I find them all over the house!

The Phone

Brax really likes looking at pictures on our phones.  I think I have my mother to blame since she was the one that showed him pictures on her phone when she was here last month.  He likes to look at all types of balls of course and animals with balls.  Also, he likes to look at pictures and videos I have taken.  He will point to my phone and say "friends" so he can look at pictures of his friends from school.  I really have to hide when I want to use my phone because once he sees my phone that is all he wants.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Holding Hands

Lately, whenever, Wade and I are with Brax and we have to walk somewhere, he will say, "Mama hand," and hold my hand.  Then, he will say, "Dada hand," and hold Wade's hand.  He is so happy walking between us and holding our hands.  I really wish I could get a picture of all of us.  It just melts my heart, and I treasure it so much because I know there will come a day when he doesn't want or need to hold our hands anymore.

Watching Basketball

Wade and I were getting a kick out of Brax's commentary while he was watching basketball tonight.  Check out the video- I didn't even get the best of it: