Friday, December 19, 2014

Homemade Gifts

We received our first homemade gift from Brax.  He made a card and ornament at school.  He was pretty proud of his ornament and showed Dada when he got home.

Monday, December 15, 2014


We finally made it to see Santa tonight.  The Texas Roadhouse by us has free Santa pictures every Monday in December.  We enjoyed a nice dinner, and there wasn't a line at all for Santa.  We had practiced all week, and Brax knew to say, "Hi Santa.  I want a football, please."  However, he was scared of Santa so I had to sit with him, and he did not talk.  While we waited for our picture, he bit into a candy cane, but did not like it.  Then, we stopped at the Neighborhood Walmart on the way home to get some milk.  We rarely go to Walmart since Target is so close to our house, and we hadn't been to Walmart in over a month.  Wade and I didn't even mention the word Walmart, but the second we pulled in the lot and Brax saw the sign, he said, "Walmart."  Wade went inside, and while we waited in the car, Brax kept saying, "I want to go to Walmart."  Next time, buddy.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Bath Time with Dada

Zoo Lights

After Brax woke up from his nap yesterday, we went to dinner and then to the zoo lights.  It was one of the last nice evenings before the snow and cold hit today so everybody seemed to have the same idea.  The lines to get into the zoo were around the block so we parked by the park and walked ten minutes.  The ticket lines were pretty short, and it wasn't too terribly crowded until we were trying to leave.  It was really fun, and Brax did a good job and walked most of the time.

Monster Baby Shower

I co-threw a baby shower for my friend, Theresa.  She is having a little boy in February.  I was in charge of the decorations and favors.  It was a fun theme to do with fun colors.  It was a lot of work, but the shower turned out really nice.