Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Night Night Time

Brax likes to have his dog Spot when he goes to bed.  I have to go in after he falls asleep and take him out of the crib.  I love watching Brax sleep.  It melts my heart.

Pregnancy Update

We had our anatomy scan on Friday, and everything looked great!  She, yes she!, likes to have her hands up by her head.  They didn't see anything wrong with her heart, but we will have a heart echo done by a cardiologist in February just to make sure.  I have been feeling fine besides being really tired.  This pregnancy is definitely different with having a toddler to chase around and entertain.  We are thrilled to be adding to our family and having a daughter, and Brax is thrilled that he is going to have a ...

Letters and Sounds

Here are a few videos of Brax working on his letters and sounds.  I will agree with him that the "s" sound sure does sound like the letter "c."  Wade found a really good ABC video that has been helping along with my incessant quizzing.  ;)

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Grandpa Lyle

Brax had so much fun with Grandpa Lyle when he came to visit.  Brax thought it was pretty funny to say, "Boo," and scare him.


Twinkle Twinkle


Brax found the glue and really enjoyed using it!

Saturday Fun

Yesterday, we got up and headed to the aquarium.  Brax loved it!  Everything was perfect for his size since the glass went from the floor on up so he could get up close to all the fish.  We saw fish, sharks, turtles, snakes, and even a tiger.  We will have to get a family pass sometime soon.  Then, Wade and I had a little fun of our own and headed to the Nuggets game while Brax stayed with the sitter.


I love that Brax loves books so much.  He now wants to take books to bed instead of balls.  The other day when we got home we took his new books and read on the big bed until Daddy got home from work.


Brax and I sat on the tractor without it running.  He just wanted to get down and wouldn't ride the tractor with Grandpa, but he liked watching Grandpa ride the tractor.