Saturday, December 24, 2016


Hadley loves to find her big brother after she wakes up and give him lots of love.

Work Party

Here I am with my officemate at our work party.  We also got to have a gingerbread house building competition with a Chipotle lunch.


Here is Brax getting ready for Santa and the morning after.  Santa came early since we were traveling to Nebraska for Christmas.  Hadley thought the dog was real at first so she was clinging to me.  Favorite gifts were a set of animals, the big orca, and play do.

Just Like Grandma

Hadley and Grandma share the same love for their favorite cleaning tool.

Just Like Big Brother

Hadley likes to go get Brax's sandals and put them on and walk around.

Zoo Lights

Last week, the temps were in the 60s so we headed to Applebee's and the zoo lights.  Brax got to pick the restaurant and was very excited to see all the lights.  Hadley enjoyed them, too.  Brax was not a fan of feeding the giraffe and dropped down before the giraffe grabbed the food.  However, he did enjoy walking through the aquarium.  He heard the seals and knew we were close to the aquarium and barked like a seal as we walked to the aquarium.  Everyone thought it was pretty cute!