Monday, January 16, 2017

Fun Day Off!

Oh my goodness!  Brax and I had so much fun sledding today!  It was the perfect amount of snow for the hill by the side of our house.  We waited until Hadley took a nap and had so much fun!  He did not have any fear!  I will have to try and convince the new neighbors to not put in a fence for a few years.  We had to pack Orcy and Humpacky in plastic bags so they could go sledding, too.  Then, Brax had to bring snow in for his dinner.  Finally, we ended the day with Orcy getting a ride on the Roomba.


We had a good time in Nebraska for Christmas.  We spent a few days at Nana's house, and then, we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house where we got to see Uncle Adam and Sophia.  It was the first time my kids met both of them.  It was fun!  I'll post videos soon.


Here are the kids drawing along with pictures of their finished products.

18 Months

Hadley turned 18 months on December 15.  Here are a few things about her now:

Height:  32.5 inches = 75%
Weight:  22 pounds 14 ounces = 55%
Head:  18.78 inches = 90%

You love to dance.

You love to always be around Brax and do what he is doing.

You like to listen to kid songs in the car.  They always make you stop crying.

You love to eat.  Your favorite foods are yogurt pouches, macaroni and cheese, strawberries, and anything we are eating.

You are a good sleeper.  You sleep from 7:30 to 7:00 and take a two hour nap.  However, we have to lay with you to get you to fall asleep.

You like to wear Brax's sandals and walk around the house.

You like to draw and play with play do.

You say so many words.  I'm sure you have way more than 100 words as of now.  You will repeat anything we ask you to.  Brax likes to ask you, "Hadley, can you say....?"

Your favorite animal is a zebra.

You love to read books.

You love to run and chase Brax.

You seem to be a mama's girl as of late.

You like to go to school, but you have a few certain teachers you really want to be around.

You like to jump.

You say thank you all the time when anyone does something for you.  You even say thank you when they change your diaper at school.

You like to drink water and have a bottle of milk at night.

You like to jump on the couch and bed.

You like to take baths.

You have become attached to your blanket, stuffed animals, and babies.

You have grown to like dinosaurs since your big brother likes them so much.

You are so kind and sweet, and we all love you more than anything!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Picture Time

Here are family pictures from Christmas when Sophia came from Japan for her first visit.  We sure loved seeing her and Uncle Adam!