Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Here are some pictures from the first week that we moved into our house.  Wade and I got to go on a sushi date and most are the court being poured.  Can't wait to get the hoop and play set up this weekend!


Here are some pictures from the apartment that we rented for four months just for memory's sake.

My Saturday Date

Brax and I had a date on Saturday.  We went to gymnastics, the Dollar Tree, Hobby Lobby, Sports Clips, Chik-fil-a, and Target.  We got a lot accomplished for his birthday and Valentine's Day!  When we were eating at Chik-fil-a, Brax said, "Look Mom."  I turned around and screamed since the gigantic cow was standing right behind me.  He thought that was pretty funny!

Blanket Babies

The kids were having a great time putting blankets over their heads and walking around the other night.

Whale Socks

My mom sent me some whale socks.  Brax insisted they were for him until he tried them on.  He said I could have them since they were too big.

Super Bowl

For the Super Bowl, I made pepperoni pinwheels, roasted cauliflower bites, wings, and seven layer nacho dip.  It was all really good along with the game and Lady Gaga.

Track Suit

Here is another hand-me-down, a Valentine's Day track suit.

Blue Apron

We tried Blue Apron and just love it!  They send us organic ingredients for three meals each week for two people.  They are healthy meals.  I have enjoyed cooking the meals and have learned a lot of new things already.  It is so nice to not have to plan meals and grocery shop each week.  The food is really good!


Hadley has her first bikini and is all ready for spring break!  She was not a fan and wanted it off right away.  Thanks to my friend, Stephanie, for all the hand-me-downs.  Hopefully, she'll like it more in the pool.

Park Day

Last Sunday, we went to our neighborhood park.  The kids had fun!

Dancing Gorilla

Hadley loves the dancing gorilla that Brax got when he was one.  She carries it around and has to have it at bedtime.  She likes to put it on the window sill so it can go night night, too.