Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Brax had his first golf lesson today.  He really enjoyed riding on the golf cart, and he gave quite the commentary as usual.  Hadley got in on the lesson at the beginning.

School Playground

We stopped at a school playground last week before we hit Target for groceries.

Pushing Each Other

Brax and Hadley like to push each other around on the tricycle.  Hadley is pretty strong!


Here are all the pictures that were taken at our photo shoot.  The lights, camera, and very animated photographer were a bit too much for Hadley, but Brax sure enjoyed it.

Sleeping with Dolls

Hadley is 2!

Our baby girl turned two on June 15, 2017.  She has quite the personality.  Here are a few things about you:

You are 36 inches tall (95%) and weigh 25 pounds 8 ounces (40%).  Your head is 19.25 inches (88%).

You love Braxton and always want to be around him.  When you are not around him, you always ask where he is.  You started calling him Bubby instead of Bubba.  You are the only one he accepts this from.

You love to dance.  You dance anytime you hear music.

You are quite the talker and talk in complete sentences most of the time.

You can count to 13 and can say the alphabet.

You know your colors and some shapes.

You love to have your blanket and doggie as comfort objects.

You always suck your thumb when you are tired or are unsure of a situation.

You are a good eater.  Some of your favorites are mac n cheese, strawberries, fruit twists, pouches, and anything that is on our plates.

You like to make dinner for us with your play food.

You like to help me clean.

You like to take care of your baby dolls and take them places.  You often say you are going shopping for toys or going to the beach.

You are taking swim lessons and don't really like to go, but you are proud of yourself when you are done.

You like to watch videos on Youtube.

You like to watch animals especially dogs, but I have to hold you when they get close.

Your best friend at school is Reagan.

You love to build sandcastles in the backyard.

You want to be very independent and do things by yourself especially getting in and out of your car seat and walking without holding hands.

We love you to pieces and can't wait to see what the future holds for you!