Saturday, September 23, 2017

Drum Parade

The letter of the week in Brax's room was "Dd" so they went on a drum parade outside.

School Pictures

Here are some pictures from the kids' school.  Hadley's teacher is great about emailing photos and videos very often.

New Family Portrait

Well, it looks like Baby Sage has joined our family along with a man that is laying on the sidewalk according to Brax.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Big Red Pajamas

Sadly, the Huskers are not off to a great start this year.  Here is Brax at 1.5 years and Hadley at 2.25 year in the same pajamas along with a video of Hadley chanting, "Go Big Red!"

Jumping Video

Brax loves to see how high and far he can jump!

Driving the John Deere

Brax finally feels confident enough to drive his gator around that he got for Christmas.  Hadley enjoys holding on and being the co-pilot!

Braxton's School Work

Braxton sure is busy at school with his work.  Here are some pictures of some of the latest!

My School's Murals

My school is so fortunate to be a part of the R.A.W. Project.  It started in Miami.  World renowned artists donate their time to create murals at schools.  Here are some that are completed or have just begun.  I cannot wait to see what other creations that other artists will bring to our school over the next few months!

Bath Time

Here are some bath time photos from the past week!

Box Fun

The kids enjoyed decorating the box that delivered a package the other day.