Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Dinosaur Cupcakes

Aunt Ali sent home some dinosaur cupcake molds.  The kids enjoyed baking!


Hadley spilled a little water on her shirt and was upset.  Wade poured a little on his shirt to show here it was okay.  Then, Brax took the cup of water and threw it at Wade.  It was pretty unexpected and funny although Hadley was still crying!

Fun New Shirts

Stone Soup

Brax's room cut up vegetables to make stone soup.  He was quite worried he'd have to cut up the onion we had to bring as our ingredient since they make Mommy cry when she cuts them.  He tried the soup, but did not like it!


Brax had his cardiology check up, and we have graduated from cardiology!  I am so thankful that he has a healthy heart!  We had to celebrate with Toys R Us and Applebee's of course!  Skylanders figures were buy one get four free hence his large bag.  Hadley settled for Peppa Pig play-doh.

The Grinch

We watched Home Alone last week, and tonight, we watched The Grinch.  The kids were kind of scared at first!


Hadley is pretty good with getting on pants by herself now, but not so much the tops!

Meeting My Nieces

I had a great time going to Charlotte to meet my nieces a few weeks ago!  The kids had a good time staying here with Daddy and Nana.