Saturday, February 24, 2018

Doctor Check-Up Date

My parents stayed an extra day so Brax and I were able to have a date to the doctor for his check-up.  Then, we went to Toys R Us and Red Lobster- his annual check-up choices.  Brax insisted on crab legs and shrimp along with petting a lobster!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Yesterday, my baby turned five!  All he wanted for his birthday was Skylanders.  He thanked us for everything and asked how all those decorations were put up without him knowing.  He took his balloons to the basement while he played his new video game.  He said they were his most favorite balloons ever.  He enjoyed playing with all his new Skylander figures and made sure I put on his Skylander sheets before he went to bed.  We are looking forward to celebrating with family this weekend and going to Jump City for his party.  


We went bowling a few weeks ago and had a great time!

Playing with Cars

Hadley had fun playing with the cars the other day.  Then, the kids decided to use my bands to exercise.  Oh, and Hadley will pretty much only wear her brother's pajamas these days.  She has to do everything like Brax!

Bella and Parper

Hadley seems to think her cousin's names are Bella and Parper.


Here are the valentine's that the kids took to school.  Brax wrote his name on every one, and Hadley colored hers.


Brax took a night off of Skylanders last week to line up his animals.  We hadn't done that in awhile!

Birthday Neighbor

Brax loves playing with the neighbor boy.  His birthday is the day before Brax's birthday so we had cake together to celebrate.


Brax had to complete his homework of what makes our family happy so Hadley made up her own homework and colored in one of Braxton's drawings.

Friday, February 2, 2018

MVP of the Week

Every week a child in Brax's room gets to be MVP of the week.  It was Braxton's turn this week.  He got to bring a show and share that was related to Pete the Cat or the letter F.  Also, he got to bring a special snack.  For his snack, he brought graham crackers, yellow frosting, and m and m's.  They put the frosting on the graham crackers and added the m and m's for Pete's buttons.  For show and share, he brought:

Monday- Pete the Cat stuffed animal
Tuesday- foam animal shark (fish)
Wednesday- a flower bouquet
Thursday- football
Friday- Pete the Cat 5 minutes stories and parrotfish

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Scarf and Hats

Hadley's best friend has a scarf at school, and Hadley has been really wanting her scarf so her teacher sent a video of her asking for a scarf.  Couldn't resist.  The kids got some new summer hats, too.