Monday, April 30, 2018

Braxton's Writing

Brax was so proud of himself for writing this all on his own!

The next day I want to go to the butterfly pavilion. 

I want to go to the science museum tomorrow. 

I want to go to the zoo the next day. 


Hadley’s remind me of my mom’s sunglasses back in the day! 

Poor Hadley

Hadley had an acidic burn from pooping in her pull up overnight. She was in so much pain for two days, but recovered quickly thank goodness! 

Butterfly Pavilion

Yesterday we visited the butterfly pavilion while Daddy went golfing. The kids had fun although Hadley was not okay when a butterfly landed on her head! 

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Around the World Night

The kids’ school has an around the world night every year. Brax’s room was China, and Hadley’s room was Australia. We had fun!


We visited the aquarium last month. We are so excited for the new one to open!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Jump City Party

Here are some pictures from Brax's 5th birthday party at Jump City.

Fun Exercising with Family

We had an exercise session when my parents were here for Braxton's birthday.  I've been doing the 80 Day Obsession workouts.  Today was number was day 71 so it will be over soon and then onto running.  The kids like exercising with the bands, sliders, and weights.