Thursday, May 24, 2018

Sports Class Floor Hockey

Photos from Elitches


Our amusement park started free passes for kids that are five and under so I just had to buy a summer pass for myself.  On Sunday, the kids and I went for the first time.  Brax enjoyed all the rides while Hadley enjoyed most of them especially the pink bus!  They are looking forward to when the water part opens in June.

Sports Class Tee Ball

Sports Class Kickball

The kids participated in a five week sports class.  There was a different sport each week:  kickball, tee ball, floor hockey, basketball, and football.  They enjoyed it, and they let Hadley participate with Brax's age group.


I guess I make Brax mad pretty much every school morning.

A Pet

Brax decided he would collect roly poly bugs at my end of year work party to bring home as his first pet.  They didn't survive too long so he tried to catch a fly for his next pet. 

Rollin' to the Park with the Potty

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Fun Breakfast

How to Grow a Garden

Brax narrated and illustrated this book at school.  My kids are obsessed with Peppa Pig and have begun to talk with a British accent.  It even influenced his book!


Yesterday, the kids and I went to UPS after school.  They were talking about what color of cars they wanted when they were sixteen.  Brax wants orange, and Hadley wants pink or purple.  Brax was telling her that he didn't think they made either color of cars.  Then, we pulled up to UPS and saw this beauty.  Then, on the way home we were next to a purple jeep.  Brax rolled down his window and said to the driver, "Hello there.  Hadley likes your purple car."  My children are definitely not shy!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Muffins with Mom

Last week, the kids went to my school to participate in muffins with Mom.  They had fun and didn't want to leave.

Braxton's Graduation

My baby boy graduated preschool and is ready for Kindergarten!  We really enjoyed the ceremony.  I'm can't upload the videos because they are too long.  I'll have to edit them down later.