Thursday, May 30, 2019

Braxton is Six!

A little bit about you now:

You really loved stuffed animals.  Now, you want to collect all the Minecraft stuffed animals.

Your favorite animal is still an orca whale.

You still want to be a marine biologist when you grow up.

You love your sister and want her to go with us wherever we go.  However, you can really fight with her, too.

You like to give hugs, but no kisses.

Your best friends are Ryder and Max.

Your favorite place is Seaworld.

You can pump yourself on the swing, and you are really proud of it.

You really like to play soccer.

You are a really good reader, but you love math more.  You really like to learn about multiplication facts.

Your favorite foods are lunchables, chicken nuggets, cheeseburgers, mac n cheese, and anything sweet.

You have quite the expression in your voice and hand gestures when you talk.

You really like to play video games.  Your favorite is Minecraft.

You love to swim.  You are working on the breaststroke and backstroke.

You talk constantly.  There is rarely ever a quiet moment when you are around.

Your favorite class at school was music.

When you watch something, you want to watch videos on Youtube about Minecraft.

You are such a loving wonderful boy, and we love you so much!

Kindergarten Graduation

Brax graduated from Kindergarten.  Then, we had a date at a Bounce Place and Applebee's.  He also bought quite the hat for Hadley.

Relaxing with Herbie

Last Day

Here is the last day that our family was at Auraria Early Learning Center.  Brax spent four years there, and Hadley spent three years there.  We appreciate how much they loved and cared for our kids.  Brax is at our neighborhood school, and Hadley will be coming to the four year old room at my school next year. 

Mother's Day

Raegan and the Zoo

Gymnastics and Dance Class

On Saturdays, Brax took gymnastic lessons while Hadley insisted on the princess dance class.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Field Day

Brax didn't have school one day so he got to come to my school for field day!

Swim Time

Hadley is enjoying swim lessons even though she still won't put her head underwater!  She had to wear her Elsa shoes to and from lessons the other night.


A mom walked her daughter and their two pet goats to school.  I have never seen that one!

Passion Project

Every student at Brax's school does a passion project each year.  Kindergarten did a project about what they want to be when they grow up and how it will help the world.