Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Our friends got a dog named Kimo, and the kids and I want one now. Have to convince Daddy!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Grandpa and Grandma's May Visit

Yes, I am very behind on this blog!  Here goes my attempt to catch up before Halloween!  My mom and dad came to help watch the kids at the end of May.  We celebrated my dad's birthday, had some snow, and enjoyed Hadley's short dance recital.  We always enjoy family time!

Nebraska CU Game :(

We had fun and saw Hadley’s teacher. Too bad they lost and we made it on tv.

My Birthday Party

We pooled our kids together with another family and went to a Husker bar to celebrate my birthday and they won! 

Monday, October 14, 2019

Foam Art

The kids have fun designing art out of most anything!

Dr. Scott

When the kids and I go to the chiropractor, they liked to play chiropractor while I get my treatment.