Friday, February 7, 2020


I love that Brax sends me videos and pictures of his work during the school day. Seesaw is the best app!

Dentist Time

Braxton’s 100th Day of School

Hadley’s Teacher is a Barbie!

School Friends

Hadley is Four!

I wrote this in June and just never posted it!

June 15, 2015

A little bit about you now:

Your absolute favorite thing is Elsa from Frozen.  You want us to call you Elsa instead of Hadley.

Your very best friend is still Raegan.  You always want to have play dates with her.

You like to snuggle and give hugs.

You always want to do whatever Braxton is doing.

You usually want to wear Braxton's pajamas, but never his clothes.

You don't like to wear anything in your hair.

You love to play outside.  You often want to go on a bike ride.

You never want anyone to get up or down the stairs before you do.

You love to play Frozen Uno with Daddy and have to pick out all the special cards for your hand.

Your favorite foods are pizza lunchables, strawberries, grapes, chicken nuggets, mac n cheese, yogurt, and anything sweet.

You are becoming a bit ornery.  You will do things on purpose to really annoy people especially Braxton.

You love to dance and sing especially to the Frozen cd.

You like to play kitchen and barbies.

We love you so much.  You are our sweet sweet cuddly girl!