Friday, November 16, 2012


I love how so many people are doing 30 days of thankful.  Hopefully, next year, I will remember to start November 1st.  I still wanted to make a list of things I am so grateful for in my life.

1.  Pregnancy:  I am so thankful to be pregnant with a healthy baby boy.  Having a family has been a lifelong dream of mine.  I already love him so much and cannot wait to meet him!

2.  Husband:  No one knows me better than Wade.  He sees all sides of me and loves me for who I truly am.  He is one of the most honest and nonjudgemental people.  I know he would do anything for me, and I am so grateful for him going back to school to make a better life for our family.  I know he will be a wonderful father, and I can't wait to experience parenthood together.

3.  Family:  My parents have been so supportive of me and loved me unconditionally.  They have been great role models.  They have given me a strong work ethic, faith, and I can only hope I will be as wonderful parents as they have been.  I am thankful for my siblings.  They are the only ones who understand what childhood was truly like for me, and we will have those similar experiences and memories to share for the rest of our lives.  Also, it is wonderful our baby will have so many cousins in his life.

4.  Faith:  Although it has wavered at times, I am so thankful God is always there for me.  I am glad my parents were raised in strong faiths and laid that foundation for me growing up.  My faith is a source of strength for me and always gives me hope through hard times.

5.  Friends:  I am thankful for my friends especially my best friend, Kirsten.  She always knows the right thing to say, and we always have such a great time together.  I really wish she lived closer.  We have so many memories, and I can't wait for the ones in the future.  Also, I am thankful for my friend, Stephanie, who has known me almost my entire life.  She knows of all my past experiences that have made me the person I am today.  I am thankful for all of my husband's friends.  All of his friends are so kind and truly care about each other.

There are many more things to be thankful for in life like chocolate and donuts, but these are the main ones in my life.  I would not be the person I am without them.

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