Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

2013 was the best year ever!  We were blessed with our wonderful son, and he makes life so amazing!  The first picture is a staged shot.  The next picture is Brax and I since he was really out of character and having on off sleeping day and night.  He was tired.  I told him if he was going to stay up he had to party with his mama.  We really lived it up by watching "The ShushyByes" on Baby First TV.  Earlier we went to dinner with the neighbors, but didn't get any pictures there.  Happy New Year!  I can't wait to see what is in store for us in 2014!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Four Teeth

Look who got four top teeth all at once!  Thankfully, he handled them very well!

The Smurfmobile

At my parent's house, they have a push car that I think is from when Adam was little.  Brax thought it was pretty fun to be pushed around on it even though it was a little uncomfortable for us adults.  He should like the John Deere tractor version he is getting for his birthday.

Brax's First Car

For Christmas, Wade's mom and sister got Brax a car.  Now, he has a car to park next to his house.  He thought it was pretty cool and even stood up in it.  It'll be fun to watch him explore it.


Brax was so good that Santa brought him some gifts!  He got a John Deere tractor and an alligator car.  Pretty exciting!

Christmas Part One- The Gitt Side

On Christmas Eve, we took Brax to church service with my parents.  Then, we went into Mike and Kelly's house to open presents and have dinner.  Everything was nice, and it is always a little crazy with so many kids running around.  They were all really excited for all of their gifts.  Brax liked his gifts, but he was more interested in the doorstop.  We did pictures before dinner and presents so that worked out pretty well.  They turned out nice except I need to remember to put down Brax's mohawk for pictures so it's not in my face. :)

Christmas Lights

We took Brax to see some Christmas lights at a house near where we live.  He really liked how the tree changed colors and watching the train move around the yard.  Please ignore my awful looking bangs!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

10 Months

December 13, 2013

We took you to your first Nuggets game.

We went to Nebraska to visit for Thanksgiving.  We stayed with Grandpa and Grandma Gitt.  Then, we met Daddy in Henderson and stayed with Nana.

You can stay on your knees and can stand up while holding onto things although you don't do it very often.  You do like us to put you in the standing position.

Breakfast is definitely your favorite meal.  You really enjoy fruit with yogurt.  You really like to eat bananas.  There isn't much you don't like.

You can army crawl and scoot to get something that you really want.

You really like to bounce in your exersaucer.

You can hold your own bottle.

You can get down from a sitting position on your own.  Also, you can go from laying on your stomach to sitting up on your own.

Some of the words you understand:  kiss, no, kick, bounce, chew.

You can play peek-a-boo by yourself.

You are a good sleeper.  You go to bed around 7:30 and sleep for about 12 hours.  You take two naps a day.  You go to sleep all on your own.

You like to play with your house.  You really like opening and shutting the door.

You can make baskets in your little basketball hoop.

You babble a lot.  The word you say the most is mama.  You like to make a fake cough noise and growl still.

You are such a smiler!  You are very happy and like to laugh.

You really like to read books.

You got four top teeth all at once.  You handled it pretty well except for having a hard time falling asleep a few times.

We just love spending time with you!  It's so fun to watch you experience so many firsts.  We love you!

Monday, December 23, 2013


Brax sure enjoys opening and closing doors.  Look what he got into while I was putting away the dishes! Fun times!


When Wade's mom went to San Francisco to visit Wade's brother, they got Brax these cute dragon socks before he was born along with another pair that are dragon claws.  These are quite fun.  It's like he has his own pair of 80's leg warmers!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Brax's New Friend

Brax's nanny gave him this lion for Christmas.  Brax thinks it's pretty funny especially when I make the lion move and roar.  It will be fun to see how he interacts with it as he grows up.

Cutest Reindeer Around

I ordered the reindeer hat from Target just to meet a minimum on an order to get a 20% coupon.  I'm glad I did because Brax has gotten many compliments on it.  Then, Wade's dad and Mary Beth sent Brax this cute first Christmas reindeer outfit.

Standing Up

Along with crawling around everywhere, Brax has started to stand up.  He can pull up on his walker, the couches, on us, the chairs, and steps.  Here he is at the bottom of the stairs.  Just as Wade was saying, "He can't make it up to the next one," Brax put both feet up to the next stair, but couldn't quite hold himself there.  Gate #2 will have to be put up soon.

Matching Outfits

When our friends had their baby, River, I got Brax and River matching football outfits and socks.  We went out to brunch this morning to watch football, and they wore their outfits.  The boys have grown so the outfits were a little bit of highwaters on them.  River weighs 12.5 pounds at two months, and Brax is 16.5 pounds at ten months.  River is quite a cute little chub and will probably be passing up Brax and his chicken legs soon.  River wasn't too happy about getting his picture taken, and Brax tried to calm him down.

Help Me!

Brax is sure crawling around everywhere these days.  He managed to crawl and sit up under our kitchen stool.  However, he could not figure out how to get out.  Thank goodness Daddy was around to help.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Santa's Elf Is Busy Delivering Trees!

This is one of the pictures featured on our Christmas card.  However, since our cards probably won't arrive until Christmas Eve, I thought I would share.  For those of you that actually follow my blog, enjoy, and no sharing on Facebook until the Christmas cards arrive! :)