Wednesday, December 25, 2013

10 Months

December 13, 2013

We took you to your first Nuggets game.

We went to Nebraska to visit for Thanksgiving.  We stayed with Grandpa and Grandma Gitt.  Then, we met Daddy in Henderson and stayed with Nana.

You can stay on your knees and can stand up while holding onto things although you don't do it very often.  You do like us to put you in the standing position.

Breakfast is definitely your favorite meal.  You really enjoy fruit with yogurt.  You really like to eat bananas.  There isn't much you don't like.

You can army crawl and scoot to get something that you really want.

You really like to bounce in your exersaucer.

You can hold your own bottle.

You can get down from a sitting position on your own.  Also, you can go from laying on your stomach to sitting up on your own.

Some of the words you understand:  kiss, no, kick, bounce, chew.

You can play peek-a-boo by yourself.

You are a good sleeper.  You go to bed around 7:30 and sleep for about 12 hours.  You take two naps a day.  You go to sleep all on your own.

You like to play with your house.  You really like opening and shutting the door.

You can make baskets in your little basketball hoop.

You babble a lot.  The word you say the most is mama.  You like to make a fake cough noise and growl still.

You are such a smiler!  You are very happy and like to laugh.

You really like to read books.

You got four top teeth all at once.  You handled it pretty well except for having a hard time falling asleep a few times.

We just love spending time with you!  It's so fun to watch you experience so many firsts.  We love you!

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