Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

We had such a nice Easter day!  Brax and I got up early and went to 7:30 Mass.  It was a packed house!  Then, we got home to find out that the Easter Bunny had dropped off a basket and hid some eggs.  Brax really liked his big ball along with trying to open the plastic eggs.  Unfortunately, a squirrel got into three of them.  I am sure it is that same squirrel that chewed through our window screen last summer and stole some bread.  We spent lots of time outside and played inside.  Then, we made our first Easter dinner of ham, creamed corn, potato casserole, rolls, and Costco made dessert.  Brax was not into the meal or dessert.  Such the picky eater these days!  We missed being able to spend the holiday with family.

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