Monday, May 26, 2014


Someone (a.k.a. Brax) must have heard the doctor say, "He should be standing up, by now.  If he's not standing on his own by 18 months, we can have him evaluated."  The doctor also thought this was a choice he was making, and he'd be fine.  Well, a few days after the appointment, he is standing.  Check out the video:

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Park Fun

The nanny took Brax to the park today before the afternoon tornado warnings hit again.  He went down the slide all by himself!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

15 Months

We had Brax's 15 month check-up today.  He is doing very well with his language and fine motor skills.  The only gross motor skill we need to work on is standing up on his own without using anything to help.  He is finally catching up size-wise!  We are on the growth charts!  The doctor said I could write a book on diet since he gained six months worth of weight in three months.  I don't think many people would go for a cheese, milk, and tangerine diet book since that's all Brax seems to eat these days.  Here are the stats:

Weight:  20 pounds 6 ounces:  20th %
Height:  30 inches:  10th %
Head:  18.75 inches:  75th %

Grandpa Lyle has said before that we can blame the Govig side for his big head.  Maybe that's what's throwing his balance when he tries to stand up.  :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Brax is getting better each day at walking.  He will walk around the circle upstairs and down the hallway screaming and laughing.  He loves it when I say, "Look at my big boy walking!"  Check out some pictures of him walking today.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Brax is walking!  Tonight, he showed real interest in walking for the first time.  It made me cry.  Check out the videos:

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


When I first bought these new thermoses for Brax to try, I would drink out of them and say, "Ahhhh," like it was the most refreshing drink ever.  Now, when I ask Brax if he wants some water, he says, "Ahhhhh."  After each drink from the thermos, he will say, "Ahhhhh."  It is pretty cute.  However, he will only drink water out of them.  He needs his straw sippy cup a.ka. his "baba" for milk.  Go figure.  Check out the video:

Monday, May 5, 2014


Brax knows his first shape- a circle!  He loves to take shapes and put them in the holes where they fit on his house and car.  He really enjoys this old toy from our childhood.  Check out the video of the circle:

The Magna Doodle

Last week, I went into Brax's room and saw this:

I figured the nanny probably drew this with him.  However, tonight, I finished loading up the dishwasher, and he crawled into his room to play.  When I went to see what he was doing, he was drawing on his Magna Doodle!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

My Dog

Well, the nanny started letting Brax nap with his dog so we let him sleep with it at night, too.  It doesn't have any button eyes so it should be safe.  We will have to get another one for him to have at daycare for naps.

Sunday Funday

Brax and I got up early again today.  He usually sleeps in later on the weekends, but not this one.  Since we went to church yesterday, we headed out to the zoo and got there right when it opened.  Our neighbors, Stephanie and Dax, met us there.  We spent a few hours looking at the animals.  Brax didn't seem too interested in the animals, but enjoyed watching all the people and walking along the fences.  He fell asleep in the car and refused to take a real actual nap when we got home so we played outside, swam for a bit, and went for a walk in the wagon.  I'll have to remember to fill the pool early in the day so the water can warm up.  It was a packed day!