Tuesday, May 20, 2014

15 Months

We had Brax's 15 month check-up today.  He is doing very well with his language and fine motor skills.  The only gross motor skill we need to work on is standing up on his own without using anything to help.  He is finally catching up size-wise!  We are on the growth charts!  The doctor said I could write a book on diet since he gained six months worth of weight in three months.  I don't think many people would go for a cheese, milk, and tangerine diet book since that's all Brax seems to eat these days.  Here are the stats:

Weight:  20 pounds 6 ounces:  20th %
Height:  30 inches:  10th %
Head:  18.75 inches:  75th %

Grandpa Lyle has said before that we can blame the Govig side for his big head.  Maybe that's what's throwing his balance when he tries to stand up.  :)

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