Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Well, after the flu finally left our home, we have been out and about having some fun.  I haven't been very good about taking pictures lately, but here are some I had on my phone.  Brax is adjusting to school.  The teacher says he is fine and happy, but he still cries when Wade drops him off.  Poor guy and poor Wade!  We did meet my friend Stephanie at the zoo yesterday with her kids, and we will be heading to the pool tomorrow morning to meet some friends.  Summer is going by too fast!
 the ball obsession is still going strong

 loves to come up to us and lay down and have us throw a ball above him over and over
 pancakes every morning- just said pancake today for the first time- sounded like cacake
 by the fence at the park wondering where the dogs are
 playing in the rain- didn't bother him a bit- really likes to stand by the hoop and be lifted up to make a basket
 eating a tortilla at snack time at school
 pool day last week

 wouldn't take a nap and crashed on our walk

 late dinner celebration for Wade's birthday

 fun new sprinkler that Brax won't go near
cheese and crackers at snack time at school

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