Thursday, February 26, 2015


I can put about any four words out, and Brax can figure what they are when I say them since he knows almost all of the letter sounds.  It's pretty fun even though he doesn't have much of an attention span for too much of it.

Play Doh

Aunt Jill gave Brax some Play Doh toys for his birthday.  We have to make the animals every single day.  He loves playing with Play Doh on his red table!

Going to the Store and Making Food

Brax loves to get this big green spoon we got when the frozen yogurt shop opened and pretend he is making food.  He had his football underwear on and put his hat on to get on his train to go to the store to get some more food to make.


Since Brax is really into talking about animals and the aquarium, we tried to watch Finding Nemo.  He made it through the exciting shark scene and then just kept asking when the sharks were coming back.  I have a feeling it will be a bit longer before we can do family movies, but he would watch educational videos for endless hours if we'd let him.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Shark Underwear

Gymboree had an underwear sale, and my friend says they have the best underwear that lasts forever so I stocked up especially since they had lots of ball choices.  Even though our pediatrician said not to start potty training until August at the earliest especially since he's a boy, Brax wanted to wear a pair.  I was shocked he chose the shark ones over the balls.

Sock Glove

If you look really closely, you can see that Brax has his sock on his hand.  He likes to take his socks off before he falls asleep and put one on his hand.  Go figure.

Saturday Morning Fun

We lounged around when we first got up, and Brax sat with Spot and read some books.  Then, Brax and I decided to head outside before it really starts to snow and get cold.  The snow from last night was perfect for building a snowman.  Brax named his snowman "Nate" and tried to cover up his basketball with snow.  Also, we threw some snowballs at the house.  Then, we came inside, and Brax played with his car that Aunt Ali sent for his birthday.  He insists it is a bus.  Now, it is time for a nap!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Birthday Presents

I thought it'd be fun for Brax to see pictures of some of his birthday presents when he's older.  Here are some of the presents.  I didn't get pictures of all his presents.  Also, we are going to use his birthday money to renew passes to the zoo and children's museum.  He's quite a spoiled and loved boy.

Big Bed

Brax woke up crying at about 6.  He fell asleep in our bed after Wade got him.  He always tries to tell us that he's going to sleep in the big bed at night and not his crib.  Well, this morning he got his wish.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Pete the Cat

Brax's class reads Pete the Cat books.  He talks about them at school and at home so Nana got him the book for his birthday.  She also knew about a video that reads the book with quite the catchy song.  Brax wanted to listen to it over and over, and I'm sure it will be a daily occurrence.  The video I have of Brax listening to the story is too long to upload on the blog so I will have to upload a shorter one sometime this week.  It is pretty cute watching him dance and give commentary throughout.  In the picture below, he is doing his "oh no" face when a button pops off.

Here's the link to the book video if you're curious:

Birthday Celebration Continued

On Saturday, we continued Brax's birthday party by visiting the butterfly pavilion, having an ice cream cake, and opening more presents.