Friday, February 13, 2015


Well, it's hard to believe, but my baby is two even though he insists that he is three!  He has quite the personality, and we just love him so much!  Today is his first Friday the 13th birthday.

A little bit about you...

-  You still love to play with balls.
-  You really like to draw especially with markers.  You always want us to draw balls.
-  You have become interested in animals.  You like to read about them and see them at the zoo and aquarium.
-  You can count to 14.  You can recognize numbers 0-10.
-  You can say the alphabet.  You recognize and know the sounds of about half of the letters.
-  You know all of your colors and shapes.
-  You are quite the talker.  You speak in complete sentences and know so so many words.
-  You are a mama's boy.
-  You like to go to school and play with your friends.
-  You like to sing nursery rhymes and dance.
-  You love it when Daddy flips you upside down or throws you in the air.
-  You really like to play outside.
-  You like to watch educational videos and Elmo's World.
-  You love your blankies and want them whenever you feel sad and have to have two blankies when you go to bed.
-  You love to eat cupcakes.
-  You are a sweet boy and like to give hugs and kisses.
-  You don't care much about food, but like to eat grilled cheese, peanut butter sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, fruit cups, pouches, and yogurt.
-  You like to drink milk and call it your baba.
-  You are becoming more independent and insist that you do things on your own by saying, "I do it!"

You are so loved by so many people!  We hope you have a very special day!

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