Sunday, March 15, 2015

Busy Weekend

We are loving the warmer weather!  On Friday, we went to the aquarium and had dinner.  DeeDee, Sammy, Jackie, and Rainer were at the aquarium so we saw some old friends.  Then, Brax and I went to the park Saturday morning.  He loves the slides!  On our way back, the twins from next door were outside so they played in the backyard with us until lunchtime.  Then, after nap, Brax and I went to Castle Rock to get his Easter outfit and went over to my friend Stephanie's house to play for a bit and go out to dinner.  On Sunday, we all played outside, and I went to church.  Wade got the swing set coated with some sealer, and I cleaned up the flower beds and raked leaves.  The boys helped put the leaves in trash bags.  We were so busy and outside so much, I realized before bedtime tonight that we hardly had read any books.  Oh well, we can easily make up for that this week.

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