Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Hangin' With Daddy

Brax's summer schedule for school started this week so Wade took today off to hang out with him.  Nana will be here tomorrow to help out until I am done with school next week.  Today, Brax got his hair cut, and then, they headed to the golf course.  Brax's first real golf course outing.  I love the picture Wade took.

Monday, May 25, 2015

I'm Ready

Unlike Brax, this baby has decided to wait and come after I get my hair and nails done.  Well, today, I got my hair and nails done and did a little shopping.  I can't remember the last time I got to spend six hours on my own, and it probably won't be happening again for a long time.  All the baby stuff is out and ready to go.  I just have a load of bottle parts to run through the dishwasher.  At exactly 37 weeks, my water broke with Brax which will be Thursday.  We will see what she decides to do.  I am getting pretty uncomfortable and having a really hard time sleeping.  Here is a picture Wade took while he spent the day with Brax.  He is being a shark.  The aquatic animal obsession is still going strong!

Naughty Naughty

On Saturday, someone decided he was going to have a cupcake for breakfast.

Sunday, May 24, 2015


Here are some pictures of the nursery.  I cannot believe she will be here sometime in the next 4 weeks.  I love how everything came together, but I especially love the letters of her name that my sister was kind enough to make for her.  Brax went in the room and pointed to them and said, "That says Hadley."

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

My Poor Baby

Brax's school called me at work and thought he had pink eye.  I already had a doctor appointment scheduled to check out his cough and ears.  Well, he has a double ear infection and pink eye.  He has been in pretty decent spirits except for when his coughing woke him up from his nap.  Hopefully, he will sleep through the night and start feeling better soon.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sleepy Boys

Yesterday, Brax got up extra early.  After I got out of the shower, this is what I saw on the couch:

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

I had a really nice Mother's Day!  We got up, and I was treated to breakfast by the boys.  Then, we took Brax to Jumpstreet.  He loves to run and jump on the trampolines.  We all took a nap, and I got to do a little shopping afterwards.  Wade was nice enough to give me some shopping gift cards today.  Also, Brax and Wade built a snowman.  His name was Nate like the one before.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Where Do You Live?


Here are the pictures and videos that I took today.  We played in the morning, dropped my car off to get some new tires, and bought some donuts and an angler fish.  Wade did yard work while I got Brax down for a nap.  Then, we played inside since it was pouring rain all afternoon that turned into snow.  This is the second year in a row that it will snow for Mother's Day.  I just want to plant flowers!  At least, it will be in the 70s starting on Tuesday for the rest of the week.

Random Pics

Here are just some pictures from last week that I never got up on the blog.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Brax was riding on his blue rocking horse.  I went to put something in the kitchen, and one minute later, I came back to this.  He said he was helping me clean.  So very nice of him!