Tuesday, May 19, 2015

My Poor Baby

Brax's school called me at work and thought he had pink eye.  I already had a doctor appointment scheduled to check out his cough and ears.  Well, he has a double ear infection and pink eye.  He has been in pretty decent spirits except for when his coughing woke him up from his nap.  Hopefully, he will sleep through the night and start feeling better soon.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Brax! I wonder how he managed to stumble upon the infection? Regardless, I'm glad the school quickly took action and called for you. The poor baby looks all out of sorts, and I can only imagine how sad he is not being able to go to school. Hopefully, he's way past that infection and back on his feet, as I'm sure he'd want nothing more. Thanks for sharing and take care!

    Terry Roberson @ MedCare Pediatric
