Sunday, June 28, 2015

Jump Street

Brax figured out how to climb up and slide down the pirate bounce house at Jump Street last week.  He is becoming quite the climber now.

B and H

Here are pictures of Brax and Hadley around the same age.



Saturday, June 27, 2015

I'm So Cute!

Brax likes doing what his mommy does.  Here he is putting on bracelets.  Wait for the very end of the video.

Grandpa and Grandma

My parents came out to help while Hadley was born.  They spoiled Brax, and he had such a good time playing with them.  We wish you lived closer!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Wade's Birthday

For Wade's birthday, we went out to dinner with Hadley while Brax stayed with my parents.  Then, we blew out candles and had some yummy apple crisp.

She's Here!

Hadley Kristen Govig arrived on June 15, 2015 at 8:40 a.m. via scheduled c-section.  My mom, Wade, and I arrived at the hospital at 6 a.m.  The c-section was scheduled for 8 a.m., and luckily, there were two doctors from my practice at the hospital since someone else was dilated to a 9 right around my scheduled time.  I was pretty nervous about everything.  The doctor and nurses commented how big she was when she was born.  She weighed 9 pounds 7 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.  She doesn't fit into her newborn clothes.  She weighed the same that Brax did at four months.  She has very chubby cheeks.  It was so nice not having to go through labor before a c-section.  I was awake and aware when she was born, and they put her on my chest right after she was born.  She stopped crying when she heard my voice.  After they finished operating on me, they took me to the recovery room where Wade was with her.  I got to breastfeed her right away.  She ate right away and stopped crying.  We got to hold her until they gave her a bath.  I can't wait to see all the photos that the birth photographer took.  Wade took a video of her being born that I will post sometime this week.  Here are pictures we took with our phones from her first week.  Brax met her and was very excited to play with his shark boat that she brought him.  We are all adjusting well to the new change in our lives.  We love you Hadley!