Monday, June 8, 2015

One Week

Well, I officially have one week left or less of being pregnant.  If I don't go into labor within the next week, we are scheduled to have a c-section on Monday, June 15th at 8 a.m.  Her birthday would be 6-15-15, and Brax's birthday is 2-13-13.  I'm trying to enjoy every last minute of being pregnant since this is the last time I will be pregnant even though I am quite relieved that I only have seven more nights of sleep left since I am so uncomfortable and am up most of the night going to the bathroom or trying to cool down.  I'm very excited to meet our daughter and to see Brax with his sister even though I am a little nervous about the whole labor and delivery process.  Also, they think she will be around nine pounds when she is born!  Quite a bit different from Brax being barely six.  We will see what this baby girl has planned for the next week.  She seems quite content where she is, but you never know.    

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