Friday, July 31, 2015


Well, one of our favorite neighbors is moving away.  We are pretty bummed about it all.  Here is one last neighborhood picture of Braxton and Daxton from tonight.  It'll be pretty sad when Brax asks to go see Dax.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Baby Hadley

The little girl next door loves playing with babies, and she named her baby doll "Hadley," and tonight, she got to hold the real Hadley.  She was pretty excited.  I'm not sure what Hadley thought about it all.

I'm Barefoot

Well, for some reason, Brax likes to be naked when he runs through the sprinkler ball.  Instead of saying, "I'm naked," he says, "I'm barefoot."  By the end of the evening, he had it straight.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Brax was pretty happy on the ride to school today.  We probably both needed a break from each other after yesterday's disaster at the aquarium.  I had my first "leave a place because your toddler is having a tantrum" experience.  Not pleasant for anyone, but I didn't give in.  Thankfully, Hadley was easy and slept through it all.  Here she is in her leopard outfit today.  The secretary at my school decorates everything on her desk in leopard so it was a fitting gift.  She even has a leopard pair of scissors and tape dispenser.  Not sure we will be going out in public in it though.

Saturday, July 25, 2015


Well, a few of my planted flowers died.  I blame motherhood for failing to remember to water them enough.  Anyway, we bought a few more to plant last night.  Today, I said I need to get my gloves to plant the new flowers.  Brax insisted he needed his gloves so he went and got his mittens to help me out.  Then, we picked some weeds, and Brax washed his mittens in his water table.  And, yes, he is in his jammies.  It's a battle I'm choosing not to fight.  He does know he cannot wear jammies when we go places at least.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

I Need Dessert!

Brax has quite the sweet tooth.  He was pretty upset when I wouldn't let him have any candy since he had an upset stomach.  Also, he is still in his pajamas from nap since he insists on wearing jammies every day now for nap and doesn't want to take them off when he gets up.  Oh, toddlerhood!

Sibling Love

Belleview Park

We went to Belleview Park to go to the petting farm, ride the train, and play on the playground.  We didn't wade in the creek.  I don't feel confident enough to take on water activities with both kids.  Brax was afraid of the goats and chickens that were loose and didn't want to pet the goats.  He tried milking the pretend cow.  I don't think he inherited any farming genes, but I'm not sure I did either.  He did enjoy the train.  Hadley missed out and slept the entire time.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Baby Bear

Brax insisted on getting this book.  Here are a few versions of him reading it.  He has read it so many times!

Monday, July 20, 2015


Here's what we have done so far today.  Hadley practiced head time.  I wore Hadley in the carrier and pushed Brax in the stroller, and we took a walk and did a little shopping.  We got a new bigger plastic picnic table for the backyard that isn't cracked at Back on the Rack.  Daddy will have to pick it up tomorrow on his way home.  Then, we found an Imaginext toy at Tuesday Morning.  Then, we enjoyed lunch at the pizza place.  Brax had quite the the hairdo when he took his hat off.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Zoo

I took both kids to the zoo on Wednesday by myself.  Everything went really well except we should have headed to the car instead of walking all the way to see the gorillas at the end, but Brax really wanted to see them.  Poor Hadley didn't have much of a view, but she slept the whole time anyway.

Little Monster Siblings

The top picture is Brax at almost 5 months, and the bottom picture is Hadley at one month.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Hadley can hit and kick the rings on her playmat.  What a milestone!

Head Up

School Park

I took Brax to the school playground on Saturday.  He had to bring his sharks and whale and line them up and let them go down the slide, too.

Thumb Sucking

Hadley was asleep and got hungry.  She found her thumb to suck on.