Tuesday, July 14, 2015

One Month

Notes from month one:

You are growing well.  At your two week appointment, you were 10 pounds and 22 inches.  You are off the charts for height, 95% for weight, and 75% for head.  You fit into three month clothes.  I had to put all your newborn clothes away since they were too small.

You are strong.  You don't mind tummy time and can lift up your head already.  You like to kick and try to scoot.  You can lift up half your body and try to roll over.  

You can hit the rings on the play mat with your hands and feet.

You have found your hands.  You put them in your mouth sometimes especially when you are hungry.  

You smile when you are sleeping.  I have gotten you to half smile at me a few times when awake.

You are not on any real schedule, yet.  You like to sleep a lot.  You grunt sometimes when you sleep.  You have slept for a little over 4 hours a few times at night.  I am ready for this to happen on a more regular basis.  You do have your days and nights figured out.  It probably helps that Brax is so loud during the day.  You usually nap when he does which is nice for me. 

You breastfeed well.  Also, you will take a bottle of breast milk well.  This took a little bit of practice.  You don't really seem to care for a pacifier very much. 

You go through so many diapers!  You make quite the face when you go to the bathroom.

Brax really loves you.  He always wonders where you are and likes to kiss you on the head.  He is excited to see you when I pick him up from school.

You have met Grandpa Stan and Grandma.  They were here for your birth.  Also, you have met Nana, Uncle Matt, and Uncle Jay.  Lots of visitors during your first month!

You hardly ever cry.  You grunt when you start to get hungry or need to go to the bathroom.  You do like to be held a lot when you are awake especially in the evenings.

We have gone many places during your first month.  Your brother likes to do things so you get to tag along everywhere.  I have taken you and your brother to parks, Jump Street, and the aquarium all on my own.

We love you to pieces!  We would do anything for you!

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