Saturday, October 17, 2015

Four Months

You weigh 14 pounds 5 ounces (50%) and are 25.5 inches long (90%).  Your head is 16.5 inches (85%).  You are a long girl!  you are wearing 9 month sleepers already.    

You like to talk to us.

You smile the most when we look at you and smile.  You smile when I kiss you or tickle your stomach.  You are so smiley in the mornings.  

You can really grab things and often grab whatever is next to you.  You really like to grab your plastic rings and even throw them to the ground.  You have started to reach for things while I am holding you.

You really like to suck on your thumb.  You drool and spit up a lot.

You like to grab your feet when you don't have on any socks.  

When you go to bed, you sleep for about seven hours.  You usually go to bed between 8 and 9.  Then, you are up around 4.  Since I started back to work, you are getting up at 2 and 6.  When you get up, you eat and go right back to sleep.

You are doing a good job adjusting to the nanny.

You have rolled over a few more times.  When you are on your play mat, you can turn yourself around in a circle.  When you do roll over, your arm gets stuck, and you don't know what to do.  

You have started crying in the evenings.  You will only stop if I am holding you.

You have started doing time in your exersaucer.  You know how to play with the toys around it.  

You still don't like your car seat if you are not moving.  

You just began laughing, and Braxton is the one who makes you laugh the most.  You love watching Braxton.

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