Monday, November 16, 2015

Five Months

Wow, I cannot believe you are five months old already!

Notes from month five:

You weigh 15 pounds 5 ounces.  You are a long girl.  

You love to suck on your fingers especially your thumb.  This is how you comfort yourself especially when you are tired.

You had to go to the doctor because you are spitting up a lot.  We just started an acid reflux prescription.

You drool so much.  Your outfits are often soaked with your spit in the front.

You breastfeed and drink from the bottle well.

You laugh and smile often.  We love making you laugh.  You laugh the most when you watch Braxton run around or if we chase him together.  

You get upset if Daddy takes you into another room and you cannot see Braxton and me.

Your naps are starting to be a little bit longer.  You nap the best when Brax takes a nap since it is much quieter.  

You are an amazing sleeper at night.  You fall asleep around 8:00.  Most of the time you will sleep until about 6:00.  If Brax cries at all at night, it wakes you up.

You do a good job with tummy time.  You have rolled over a few times, but nothing consistent, yet.  You are starting to really roll up on your sides.

You dressed up as a mermaid for Halloween.  Brax was a shark.  

You try to hold your bottle sometimes when you drink it.

It is so fun to see your personality develop.  

You recently starting reaching out for me when I come home.  

You love bouncing in your exersaucer.  You like to be upright and try to sit up when you are laying on your back.  It's like you are doing stomach crunches.

You don't cry very often and mainly only when you are tired or are about to spit up.

You really have started to grab for things around you.  

We love you so so much!

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