Thursday, December 24, 2015

6 Months

My baby is half a year old!  How did this happen?!

You weigh 16 pounds 2 ounces (50%).  You are 26.5 inches long (75%).  Your head is 17 inches (50%).

You are very strong and can hold your head up well.  You prefer to be sitting up all the time.   You like to sit up in grocery carts and in high chairs when we go out to eat.

You really like to jump in your exersaucer.   

You can roll from front to back and back to front, but you don't like to roll very much.  You are pretty content just laying there.  You can scoot yourself around in a circle on your back.  You can push yourself up on your stomach.

You like to blow raspberries, and you have learned to do this when we try to give you your medicine or suck your nose.

You go to bed at about 7:45 and are up around 5:30 to eat before you are up around 8:00 for the day.  You are an amazing sleeper and just put yourself to sleep.

You are still breastfeeding.  We are going to start real food in a few days.

You are still on your acid reflux medicine and a probiotic.  You don't spit up as much anymore which is nice.

We went to the zoo lights.  You didn't care much about anything and wanted to be held.

We went to your first Nuggets game.  You loved looking at everything and talked the entire time.

We went to Nebraska to see both sides of the family for Thanksgiving.

You don't cry very much at all anymore.  Sometimes, you cry when I am not around.  You want your mama when you are upset.

You have a great smile and always smile when Brax, Daddy, or I walk into the room.  You love watching Brax.

You are always trying to grab things and like to have toys within reach.

You like to talk to us.  Sometimes, you can mimic the words we are saying with your sounds.  You say, "Dada."

You like to hit your stomach to make a noise when your clothes are off.

You are still a thumbsucker especially right before you go to sleep.

You have peach fuzz for hair.

You are so much fun to be around!  I miss you so much when I am at work all day.  I love you so much!

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