Saturday, February 13, 2016

3 Years Old

My first baby is three years old!  I cannot believe he used to be a little baby.

A little about you...

You talk so much.  It is so fun to hear you say new things almost each day.  You even have a British accent sometimes that you got from watching Peppa Pig.

You love Hadley so much.  You always want to see her and want her around us.  You are always worried we are going to forget her when we go somewhere.  You really like to get in her crib with her and play.

You still like aquatic animals.  You recently have started to like dinosaurs and like to see them at the science museum.  You are having an ocean themed birthday.

You like cars.

You like to build things with blocks.

You can draw circles now and have drawn a person with legs, arms, a body, hair, eyes, and a mouth.

You like to marker.

You love to play chase and jump on the couches.

You are potty trained except for when you sleep.

Ever since we took the side off your crib, you have been sleeping in bed with us.  We got a Mickey Mouse tent bed, and you have been sleeping back in your room.

You are a picky eater.  You do like pizza, quesadilla, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, corn dog nuggets, peanut butter, orange cups, pouches, and anything sweet especially chocolate.

You are a mama's boys still.  You do like to play downstairs with Daddy when I am putting Hadley to bed, but you want Mommy when you are upset.

You love to buy toys especially animal tubes from Hobby Lobby.

You go to school two days a week and spend the other days with Hadley and the nanny, Lauryn.

You have been taking tumbling classes.

You like to watch the computer and tv.  Your favorite show right now is Paw Patrol.

You are finally nice about sharing things when your friends come over.  You play with the neighbors- Luke, Eliza, Emmett, Reegan, and Mackenzie.

You want to stay in your pajamas all the time when you are at home.

You are such a happy boy, and we love you so so much!

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