Thursday, March 24, 2016

9 Months

March 15, 2016

My baby girl is 9 months old!

You are 28 inches long and 18 pounds 1 ounce.  Your head is 17.75 inches.  Your head is in the 80% compared to the 55% for height and under the 48% for weight.  

You love to watch Braxton.  You are so much happier when he is around you.  You like to pull his hair or try and grab his animals.  He loves you so much and is always so happy to see you.  He loves to get in your crib when you wake up.

You really like to eat food.  You eat pretty much anything that we are eating.  You really like to eat meat and watermelon.  You love to crawl on the floor and find crumbs that Brax has left on the floor.  You eat breakfast at 9:00 and dinner at 5:30.  

You go to bed around 7:30.  You get up once to eat about 9 hours later, and you wake up around 10:00.  You have been sleeping a lot lately.  Also, you take about a two hour nap each day.  You go to sleep on your own right away after I put you down.

You suck your left thumb whenever you need to be comforted.

We are still breastfeeding.  It is going well.

You roll all over the place.  You will army crawl especially if there is something you really want.  You have gotten up on your knees, but haven't figured out how to crawl on your knees.  You have pulled yourself up to your knees a few times to try and get something out of boxes.

You can sit up on your own for as long as we leave you there.  You can get down easily to crawl.

You have the best smile and smile whenever you see us.  

You wave hi anytime we walk in the door.

You like to talk and make noises.  Sometimes, Brax tells you that you are being too loud.

You say mama and dada.  You have said hi a few times.

You like to bang things on surfaces to make noise.  You think it is fun to shake Braxton's jack-o-lantern with a car in it to hear it make noise.

You laugh and think it is fun to swing.

We just love you more than anything!  You bring so much joy to our lives!

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