Sunday, April 17, 2016

10 Months

April 15, 2016

You can stay on your knees and can stand up while holding onto things although you don't do it very often unless you really want something.  

You really like to eat.  You will eat anything we give you.  Brax often gives you his food, too.

You are crawling on all fours.  You can be pretty fast.  It took you a little bit longer to figure out how to crawl on all fours on the hardwoods.  You like to crawl after Brax.

You don't like to be in your exersaucer that much anymore.  You would rather be crawling after Brax.

You can hold your own bottle.  We are still breastfeeding, but the doctor said we could switch to whole milk at eleven months so we only have four weeks left.  It's been a good experience, but my body is tired, and you would often rather eat regular food than nurse.

You can get down from a sitting position on your own.  Also, you can go from laying on your stomach to sitting up on your own.

Some of the words you understand:  yucky, kick, bounce, hi.

You wave hi to people that you know.  You wave your arms up and down and squeal when Brax and I come home.

You love to go up the stairs.  When we are downstairs, you always crawl to the stairs right away.

You go to sleep all on your own.  Lately, you have been going to bed around 7:00.  Then, you are up around midnight to eat.  Then, you sleep until about 8:00.  You take two naps.  You fall asleep all on your own by sucking your thumb.

You like to play with things that light up and make noise.

You babble, but Brax often dominates the conversation.

You are such a smiler!  You are very happy and like to laugh especially when Brax plays with you.

You are starting to get your top front teeth.

You like to take baths in the bath tub in the laundry basket with Brax.

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit.  You weren't so sure what to think when we were gone, and they watched you.

We just love spending time with you!  It's so fun to watch you experience so many firsts.  We love you!

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