Wednesday, June 22, 2016

One Year Old

Here Hadley is eating a birthday donut on her actual birthday.

June 15, 2016

Hadley is one!  This year has flown by especially with having two kids.

You love Brax so much!  You always want to play with him and really love hugging him.  You love to play chase with him.

You just started walking along things.  You will love to be able to run after Brax soon.

You really like to be outside.  You get so excited when we go outside.

You are crawling everywhere pretty fast.  When you don't like how a surface feels, you will crawl with your hands and feet with your knees off the ground.

You love to play chase.  I will crawl after you, and you think it is so funny!  You then will lay your head on the floor so I can kiss your cheek.

You love to eat.  Some of your favorites are raspberries,  blueberries, cottage cheese, potato salad, cheese, and noodles.  You say Mmmmmm when you eat.

You drink water out of a sippy cup.  You aren't much a fan of the bottle and milk.

You have four teeth on the top now along with your bottom two teeth.

You love to climb from Brax's toddler bed to his big bed, from the table to the couch, and from the couch to the bay window.  You always want to crawl up Brax's stool, too.

You are saying Dada, Mama, and uh-oh anytime you drop something.

You wave bye all the time and hi sometimes.

You are really good at picking things up.

We had two birthday celebrations for you in Nebraska.  I will have to post your birthday celebration pictures when we get back from Mexico.

You love to climb up stairs.

You can get down from higher places on your own most of the time.

You like to play with water and take baths.

You like to swing and slide.

You are a good sleeper.  You sleep from 7:30-7:30 and take a 2-3 hour nap around 12:30.

You are such a sweet girl!  We all love you so much!

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