Wednesday, March 8, 2017


February 13, 2017

My baby is four years old!  It's just so hard to believe how much he has grown from when he was born, and I can't believe we will be talking about registering for Kindergarten in a year.

Some things about you:

You talk all the time.  You have quite an opinion about everything.

You are not shy.  You will talk to anyone anywhere.

You love Hadley so much.  You are protective of her, but also like to play rough with her and push her down.

You still love aquatic animals.  The orca whale is your favorite.

You also have started to love dinosaurs.

You love to read books.  I love listening to you read books on your own, too.

You know all your letters and sounds.  You can read pattern books along with knowing sight words like the, I, A, like, from, at, and the.

You can count to 39.  Then, you get mixed up on the tens numbers.

You love to watch Youtube videos on the computer.

You like to line up your animals.  You are always emptying bags and containers to find something new for your animals.

You love your blanket, Soft Swirly, and your stuffed whale, Orcy.  You have to sleep with them, and you take them to school for nap every day.

Your best friends at school are Parker and Zayn.  You talk about them all the time.

Your favorite color is orange.

You still are not a very good eater.  You like corn dogs, cheeseburgers, peanut butter sandwiches, grilled cheese, and macaroni and cheese.  The only way you eat fruits or vegetables is via pouch.  You love anything sweet.

You go to bed around 9:30 and get up around 7:00.  You take a two hour nap.  You would stay up very late if you had your choice.

You love to go sledding.

You like to tell people what to do.

You always want to buy animals or a toy.

You like to listen to kid songs in the car.  Your favorite is "There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea" and "Bringing Home my Baby Bumblebee".  You like to tell Hadley how to do the actions correctly.

You have to wear a sea animal or dinosaur shirt wherever we go.

You are taking gymnastics and will start soccer in the spring followed by golf in the summer.

You are so special to our family.  I love you so much and think about you all the time!

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