Thursday, April 20, 2017

Jumper and Shoes

Brax needed new sandals for the summer, and I found out that all Stride Rite stores are closing so we went and got some new shoes since they were all on sale for $9.99.  Afterwards, Brax insisted he wasn't afraid of the harness for the trampoline anymore since he was four, and he was right although Hadley was scared.

Water Fight

Brax and our neighbor boy, Nicholas, had a great time having a water fight on Saturday.  Brax just adores him and always wants him to join us outside.  Brax insisted on a bath, and then, the kids had fun playing in their bunny ears.  Hadley insists on wearing her hand-me-down Cookie Monster pajamas all the time.

Just Like My Brother

Hadley insists on doing everything that Brax does.  Here she is sitting down for the end of soccer meeting with Brax's team.


Brax is so reluctant to even try and write any letters because they don't look exactly right.  This is the best he's done!

Changing Diapers

Hadley likes to get a diaper and change her baby doll.  She needs a little help at the end.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Lady Gaga

Here is a video from early March when the kids and I were dancing to Lady Gaga.

Daniel's Birthday

Here is a video from Daniel's birthday party.  Brax is quite cautious on the beam!

Peanut Butter

Hadley loves her peanut butter.  Here is the video.

Playing Outside

The day after our trip, we spent time playing outside.  Hadley has to try everything that her big brother does!

Water Hose

Here is the video of Braxton's friends getting sprayed by the hose at school.

New Park

They just built a new park by our house.  Now, we have two parks for choices although the kids really liked the merry-go-round at this one!  Then, when we got home, the kids got to play in their new sandbox.

Beach Videos

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Happy Birthday Brax

Here is the video from the morning of Braxton's actual birthday at home.

Stomp Rocket

Brax likes the stomp rocket he got for his birthday.  It has been our go to birthday gift.


Hadley likes to carry around Wade's speaker and dance to the music.  She is quite the dancer!

Blanket Babies

Here is a video of my blanket ghost babies.

Jill's Birthday Videos

Here are videos from the park we went to for Aunt Jill's birthday.

The Popper

Brax loves to run around with this popper.  It is so loud!  Not my smartest buy!

Ketchup, Ranch, and Cottage Cheese

This is what happened when I walked to the door to get a package while the kids were eating.


Here is Brax sliding with his animals.

Rainer's Birthday

Here is a video of Brax at Rainer's birthday party.

In the Baskets...

The kids have fun playing in baskets.

Bunny Ears


The kids watched the cookies bake the entire time.

Reading Room

Here is the new reading room in our basement.


Hadley had an ear infection, and we went to the doctor three times just to make sure it was gone.  She was moving the chair and saying she was a strong girl while there one time.

Jumpstreet Birthday

Here is a video from Brax's birthday at Jumpstreet.

Self Videos

Brax likes to take videos of himself in the car.  Here is one of his masterpieces.

I Want Beach

Hadley was so sad she couldn't go to the beach the other morning.



Holiday Day #5

For our last day, we stopped at a beach on the way to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  The kids liked seeing all the animals.  Then, we boarded the plane to head home.  Hadley at least didn't cry on the plane ride although she still wanted to move around quite a bit.