Monday, January 29, 2018

Hadley 2.5 Years Old

December 15, 2017

Hadley turned 2.5 years old in December.  She has developed quite the personality.  Here are some fun facts:

*You want to do everything that Brax does.  You love being around him all the time and especially like to jump on the bed with him.  He loves you so much and protects you.

*You are very good at putting on your own pants and socks.  You can take off all your clothes by yourself.

*You love to play with play doh and read books.

*You really like to ride your strider bike that you call a motorcycle.

*Your comfort objects are your blankie and stuffed George pig.  Also, you suck your thumb whenever you are upset or tired.

*You like to watch Peppa Pig and videos on Youtube.

*You can spell your first name correctly.

*You can recognize the letter "H", count to eleven, and know your shapes and colors.

*You don't cry very often.

*You are a daddy's girl.

*Raegan is your very best friend at school.

*You are quite the talker and speak in complete sentences most of the time.

*You are being very stubborn about potty training.  We will try again over spring break.

*You immediately wake up as the happiest person in the world.

*You want to be carried around the house often.

*You are getting some hair, but not much.

*You love baked beans.  You will pretty much try anything, but you always seem to want baked beans.  You also really enjoy donuts, strawberries, hummus, carrots, pizza, and chips.  You really like to eat whatever is on Daddy's plate.

*We love you so much!  I cannot even imagine life without you.

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