Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Spring Break 2018

We have had an interesting spring break.  On Saturday, Wyatt came over to visit.  On Monday, Brax had an x-ray, and we visited the urologist.  He was so constipated that it was pushing on his bladder.  Also, Hadley was constipated from potty training since she was holding it.  We started a laxative cleanse for both kids.  Fun stuff.  On Tuesday, we went outside to play in the snow and built a fort after nap.  The kids also enjoyed hiding in the cabinets.  Today, we went for dental checkups.  Hadley didn't cry which was huge.  We visited Toys R Us and had Mexican food for lunch.  We are sad we won't have many visits left to our favorite toy store.  The kids enjoyed painting and lining up animals at the end of the day.  We might get some more snow time tomorrow since it has been snowing for awhile today!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Braxton 5 Years Old

February 13, 2018

My baby boy is five and will be going to Kindergarten next year.  How is this possible!  Here are some fun facts about you:

*You are obsessed with Skylanders.  You want to learn all about the characters and defeat the villains.

*You still like to wear pajamas at home most of the time.

*You are starting to eat more things.  You like peanut butter and hot dogs the most.

*You are very animated when you speak and often like to use your hands to emphasize your point.

*You like to teach Hadley things that she doesn't know.  She follows you around all the time, and you are protective of her.

*You can write your first and last name.  You have written other words like Mom and Dad, too.  You are starting to sound out words to write more often.

*You are beginning to read.  You know sight words and look at the beginning of words to find out the beginning sound.

*You enjoy reading books.

*You still like sea animals a lot and cannot wait to see a real orca whale.

*You are excited to ride the bus to Kindergarten, but you get sad about not seeing the friends you have right now.

*Sometimes, you like to talk like a baby to act like Hadley.

*You never stop talking.

*You like to play with your friends and want friends to come over to our house often.

*You love going to school to see your friends and teachers.

*You love to go outside and always want to go outside when we get home from school.

*You love to ride your bike around the neighborhood.  You are getting pretty good at riding your strider bike.

*You can be pretty emotional especially when you don't think Hadley is being fair.

*You have to have your Swirly blanket when you are upset.

*You like to sleep with Swirly and Orcy.

*You like to play with all of you animals and line them up still.  Now, you like to make them battle each other.

*You like to play Nerf war with Daddy.

*You like to wrestle with Daddy, too.

*You have found your sense of humor and like making people laugh.

*You like to dance.

*There are so many wonderful things about you, and we love you so much!  You have such a spunky personality and bring so much joy and laughter to our home.

Science Night

The kids and I went to my school for science night.  We saw some experiments.  Brax touched the tenrec, but was too scared to touch the snake.  Hadley wouldn't get close to either one!  As we were leaving Brax said, "I wish I could go to your school because you have a tunnel slide, and you are here."  Love him!  He also told me the other night that I am his best girl.  :)

Monday, March 19, 2018

Dr. Seuss Week

Brax celebrated Dr. Seuss week at school.  I even went to his classroom to do a read aloud and activity.  I'm still waiting on pictures from the read aloud.  I dressed up as an apple and read "Ten Apples Up On Top." It was a fun week!

Monday:  Crazy Hat Day- Brax and his teacher had on the same hat and a Dr. Seuss shirt.
Tuesday:  Orange and Mustache Day for The Lorax- Brax picked it all out.
Wednesday:   Mismatch Day- Brax chose an octopus shirt, shark pants, and whale socks.
Thursday:  Crazy Sock Day
Friday:  A Place You've Been

St. Patrick's Day

We had fun on St. Patrick's Day.  The kids enjoyed covering themselves in tattoos.  Then, we went to a party at my principal's house.  They loved dancing and running around with the other kids.  Hadley finally let me do her hair.  Then, Brax had to have his done.  Of course when Brax took his out, Hadley insisted on taking them out, too.