Thursday, March 22, 2018

Braxton 5 Years Old

February 13, 2018

My baby boy is five and will be going to Kindergarten next year.  How is this possible!  Here are some fun facts about you:

*You are obsessed with Skylanders.  You want to learn all about the characters and defeat the villains.

*You still like to wear pajamas at home most of the time.

*You are starting to eat more things.  You like peanut butter and hot dogs the most.

*You are very animated when you speak and often like to use your hands to emphasize your point.

*You like to teach Hadley things that she doesn't know.  She follows you around all the time, and you are protective of her.

*You can write your first and last name.  You have written other words like Mom and Dad, too.  You are starting to sound out words to write more often.

*You are beginning to read.  You know sight words and look at the beginning of words to find out the beginning sound.

*You enjoy reading books.

*You still like sea animals a lot and cannot wait to see a real orca whale.

*You are excited to ride the bus to Kindergarten, but you get sad about not seeing the friends you have right now.

*Sometimes, you like to talk like a baby to act like Hadley.

*You never stop talking.

*You like to play with your friends and want friends to come over to our house often.

*You love going to school to see your friends and teachers.

*You love to go outside and always want to go outside when we get home from school.

*You love to ride your bike around the neighborhood.  You are getting pretty good at riding your strider bike.

*You can be pretty emotional especially when you don't think Hadley is being fair.

*You have to have your Swirly blanket when you are upset.

*You like to sleep with Swirly and Orcy.

*You like to play with all of you animals and line them up still.  Now, you like to make them battle each other.

*You like to play Nerf war with Daddy.

*You like to wrestle with Daddy, too.

*You have found your sense of humor and like making people laugh.

*You like to dance.

*There are so many wonderful things about you, and we love you so much!  You have such a spunky personality and bring so much joy and laughter to our home.

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