Sunday, July 22, 2018

Hadley 3 Years Old

June 15, 2018--- just a bit late in posting

Hadley turned three on June 15!  She is now over 3.5 years old.  Here are some things about you now:

You love to dance anytime you hear music.

Your best friend is still Raegan, but you also really like Erin and Aliya.

You still suck your thumb anytime you are tired or upset.

You like to unload grocery bags and take everything out of them on the island.

You always want to wear short sleeve shirts.  You always wear short sleeve and short pajamas.  Every day when I pick you up from school, you have taken off your socks.

You don't like to wear anything in your hair or ever have it pulled up.

You are quite the talker like your brother.

You are starting to fight with Braxton more and always think you should get your way.

You want to do everything your big brother does.  You always have to copy whatever he is doing or having.

You love unicorns so much!

You love to watch Peppa Pig especially the Christmas episode.

You always want to do things on your own.

You like to take showers.

You love to clean and make food.

You love to play with your kitchen and your baby dolls.

Your favorite colors are pink and purple.

You like playing outside especially on the swing set and in the sandbox.

You like to ride your plastic strider bike.  You go so fast!  Many shoes have been ruined.

If I ask you a question again, you say with sass, "I already told you!"

You love your owl blankie and stuffed unicorns named Uni and Corny.

I call you Woo Woo Girl or Hadley Woo Woo.

You always need hugs and kisses when someone leaves.

We love you so much and can't imagine life without you!

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