Tuesday, December 18, 2012

10 Reasons I Love My Husband

For Christmas this year, I thought I would switch things up a bit in regards of presents for Wade. I started "The Twelve Days of Christmas."  Each day his present has had something to do with one of the numbers of the days.  So far, here is what I've done for each day:

On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:  a new pair of shoes.

On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:  2 Nuggets tickets.  I benefit from this one, too.  :)

On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:  3 golf balls plus a golf onesie- couldn't resist!

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:  4 Rockstars- Wade's morning drink.

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:  5 post-it notes with loving messages.

On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:  6 Pacificos.

On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:  7 Best Buy gift cards- all small amounts.

On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:  the Manimal t-shirt:  3+5=8.

On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:  9 chocolate ornaments.

 Well, today is day 10, hence the title of my post so here are ten reasons why I love my husband.

1.  He has always let me park my car in the garage.  He has never complained about scraping his car in the morning.

2.  He is a sports fan.  It is so nice to be able to watch sports with someone who enjoys them as much as I do or even more.  It is especially nice that we are both Cornhuskers!

3.  He has a very nice and caring family.  His family has been so kind and welcoming to me since we met.  One of my very favorite things that Wade told me when we first started dating was that his grandma is one of his favorite people.

4.  He taught me how to golf.  It has been one of the most enjoyable things that we do together.  My ideal Friday evening is going golfing and out to dinner.  Do you think they'd let us bring the jogging stroller along on the golf course?  :)

5.  He pretty much always does what I want to do or ask.  He completes all of my "Honey-Do" lists.

6.  He is going back to school so we will have a better life as a family.

7.  He does housework.  He will cook dinner for us and does his laundry.  He is good about washing the sheets on a regular basis.  He knows he needs to vacuum when I leave the vacuum out.  He puts away the dishes and cleans the stove.

8.  He has many friends, and they are all genuinely nice guys.  I am so thankful we have so many people to socialize with in life.

9.  He accepts me for who I am and never judges me.

10.  He will be the most wonderful father!  I can't wait to see him with our son!

Babe, I love you so much!  Happy 10th Day of Christmas!

28 Weeks

Wow, I have really grown!  I will be 30 weeks on Sunday.  Then, only 10 weeks to go!  At our 28 week appointment, the baby weighed 2 pounds 12 ounces in the 55th percentile so growth is looking good so far.  I am feeling fine, just mainly really tired in the evenings and starting to be a bit uncomfortable when sleeping.  Wade is almost done painting the nursery.  Can't wait to post those pictures!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Baby Shower

Over Thanksgiving vacation, my mom, her friends, and my sister-in-law had a baby shower for me.  I really enjoyed the day, and it was so special to be surrounded by so many friends and family that wanted to help celebrate our baby boy.

Here I am at my parents before the baby shower.

So many presents!

The cake was made by my elementary school teacher.  It was so cute and so good!

Dad and Wade help set up the room the night before.

All of the delicious food!

The table centerpieces were set out along with the favors- handmade jars of lotion.

Everyone who attended the shower.  Thank you so much for coming!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We enjoyed spending Thanksgiving vacation in Nebraska with family.  We spent the first two days with Wade's family in Henderson.  Then, we went to Valley to spend Thanksgiving day and the rest of break with my family.  We had lots of good food, and it was wonderful to be around family for the week.  Our five nieces and nephews always keep things entertaining.  Happy Thanksgiving from our little turkey on board!

Friday, November 16, 2012


I love how so many people are doing 30 days of thankful.  Hopefully, next year, I will remember to start November 1st.  I still wanted to make a list of things I am so grateful for in my life.

1.  Pregnancy:  I am so thankful to be pregnant with a healthy baby boy.  Having a family has been a lifelong dream of mine.  I already love him so much and cannot wait to meet him!

2.  Husband:  No one knows me better than Wade.  He sees all sides of me and loves me for who I truly am.  He is one of the most honest and nonjudgemental people.  I know he would do anything for me, and I am so grateful for him going back to school to make a better life for our family.  I know he will be a wonderful father, and I can't wait to experience parenthood together.

3.  Family:  My parents have been so supportive of me and loved me unconditionally.  They have been great role models.  They have given me a strong work ethic, faith, and I can only hope I will be as wonderful parents as they have been.  I am thankful for my siblings.  They are the only ones who understand what childhood was truly like for me, and we will have those similar experiences and memories to share for the rest of our lives.  Also, it is wonderful our baby will have so many cousins in his life.

4.  Faith:  Although it has wavered at times, I am so thankful God is always there for me.  I am glad my parents were raised in strong faiths and laid that foundation for me growing up.  My faith is a source of strength for me and always gives me hope through hard times.

5.  Friends:  I am thankful for my friends especially my best friend, Kirsten.  She always knows the right thing to say, and we always have such a great time together.  I really wish she lived closer.  We have so many memories, and I can't wait for the ones in the future.  Also, I am thankful for my friend, Stephanie, who has known me almost my entire life.  She knows of all my past experiences that have made me the person I am today.  I am thankful for all of my husband's friends.  All of his friends are so kind and truly care about each other.

There are many more things to be thankful for in life like chocolate and donuts, but these are the main ones in my life.  I would not be the person I am without them.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Here I am a little over 22 weeks!  We had a pretty low key Halloween.  Wade had class so I passed out candy to the trick-or-treaters.  I can't wait to have a little one to dress up next year!

Monday, October 8, 2012

It's a...

Anatomy scan went very well!  Baby is healthy!  We are thrilled to be having a boy!

Monday, September 17, 2012

16 Weeks

Yesterday, I hit the week 16 mark!  Here I am at weeks 8, 12, and 16.  I found this idea on Pinterest.  Just love that site!