Wednesday, March 13, 2013

One Month

Brax is one month old today!

Notes from month one:

You have found your hands.  You like to put them in your mouth.  Also, you scratch your face quite a bit even though we have filed your nails really low.

You smile when you are sleeping.  You have smiled twice while you were awake.

You are not on any real schedule, yet.  You sleep for 2-3 hours at a time.  You have slept for a little over 4 hours a few times at night.  I am ready for this to happen on a more regular basis.  Sometimes, you sleep a lot during the day, and sometimes, you are up almost for the whole day.

You breastfeed well.  Also, you will take a bottle of breast milk well.  You don't really seem to care for a pacifier very much.

You go through so many diapers!  You grunt when you are going to the bathroom.  This makes us laugh.

You have met Grandpa Stan and Grandma.  They were here for your birth, and Grandma visited for another week.  Also, you have met Nana.  She came for a week.  Lots of visitors during your first month!

At night, you get fussy when you are tired.  The white noise machine seems to calm you down while Daddy holds you.

You still have your hole in your heart.  The doctor thinks you will have to have surgery anywhere from 2-6 months.  So far, you haven't shown any symptoms.  We are grateful for this!

We have gone for four walks.  You seem to do okay as long as we keep moving.  It will be nice when the weather is consistently nice so we can go on walks each day.

We love you to pieces!  You are a lot more work than I thought, but we would do anything for you!

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